Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Interesting Day

Its so amazing!

I am now at Xuan's school, waiting for her. Because I finish dance class early, so decide to bring my company laptop to her school, and do work while waiting for her to finish class.

Was trying out the internet option, and my eyes nearly pop out when the internet was connected! Free internet access wor.... waaaaaa....

So now I can blog, do my work, and wait for her! Good thing my company laptop powerful enuff!


Today something very funny happened.

I was having a conversation with my mummy.....

Because we are going to Taiwan to attend a friend's wedding on Friday, my mum was busying packing her clothes into her suitcase. While packing, she noticed something crawling in her warobe. Got the shock of her life - Termites.....

She quickly notify my father, who in turn called up the contractor and of course the pest control team. Thinking that this incident will dampen the good spirit of my mother, I immediately called her up to talk to her....

While on the phone, I kept asking her how she felt..... she was frustrated because the occurrence of this thing deter her from going to the afternoon karaoke session with her friends! hahahha.... then she said , "BUUTTTTT (in very loud emphasis tone)............. i'll get to change a new warobe!"

I was laughing at her answer......the conversation goes on............

I kept telling her if discover TERMITES.... must inform HDB right away...... cos might have Termite nest somewhere along the whole block...... then she kept talking about got contractor comes...... got pest control team comes......

Throughout the whole conversation.... I kept emphasizing to my mum that if she's sure that it is termites....... must inform HDB....! Then I continue to ask her to confirm if she has did that..... and my mum kept telling me other stuff..... "like pest control team will surely tell HDB one la".....

I cannot take it anymore..... so I ask her..... YOU CONFIRM THOSE ARE TERMITES?

She paused for a while and asked me,

"What does Termite look like?"

Waaa..... i was in office leh............. nearly laugh until roll on the floor!!!!



At 12:12 am , Blogger olenju said...

So funny! So are they termites in the end??

At 10:08 am , Blogger Mummy Kless said...

Your mummy is very very cute!!! :D

At 12:07 am , Blogger Fleur De La Lune said...

hahahha..... yes of course its REAL TERMITES....

the pest control came and input some pesticides...

we need to wait for a week for termites to die....

then proceed with renovation...

so now my mother sleeping with termites.... hahahhahaha

At 11:59 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... your mum is really very cute =)

At 9:19 pm , Blogger Fleur De La Lune said...

i think so too!


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