Living deeper
We choose to do right when we still feel all wrong.
Don’t bow down to your feelings.
Just like what my sister Xuan has shared in her blog, reach out to someone, encourage and love them, even when you’re unhappy, or feeling troubled.
This morning service Xiangcen and myself came to reserve seats for our cg. There were some visitors from a nearby country visiting us for the very first time and they did not know that we have a practice of reserving one whole row for our cell groups. When I placed the umbrella on the seats at the edge of the row, two of them pushed my umbrella to the next seats and keep pushing it until there are enough seats for the rest of their friends. When I talked to them regarding this, they were quite rude to me.
I felt so angry at that moment as they did it right in front of me and did not even apologize. However, there was one very kind sister who saw this and came up right to me and explained the whole situation to me. She was very patient and understanding. Really a strong woman of God.
I eventually gave in, and it's a good thing Xiangcen reserved the next row of seats behind me. However, I couldn’t discard the negative thoughts in my heart. Thus I just told Xiangcen and Calista to sit with them while I move to the seat furthest away from them.
If I were to think about what Joyce Meyer has said about LIVING DEEPER, the right thing to do this morning was to sit right next to them, and be a good host to them, smiled and greet them despite how angry I was feeling in my heart. But I did not do it. Sorry God.
One of the most beautiful things a person can ever do is to love another person in his/her own way even when you’re feeling very upset about the way things has turned out. When it seems like everything in your life has turned upside down, you’re still able to put aside every pain, every anguish, every disappointment or frustration, and continue to be steadfast in your ways, and portray your love and encouragements to the people around you. This is truly doing the Word of God.
Seek God’s face instead of His hands
Every now and then, I would share with my sister that we must always remind ourselves to put aside our desires and seek God Himself instead of what He would give us. However, there are some desires so strong that if we do not continue to guard our heart, it would soon overwhelm us, and cause us to lose our focus on God Himself.
What Joyce Meyer has shared during the 1 pm service today truly pierced right into my heart. I will love God more and more each day because I am GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR:
1) A wonderful mother, father, brother and of course my patient listener Xuan.
2) A beautiful House to go to every weekend.
3) A loving spiritual family – my cg members.
4) My career.
5) A beautiful Abraham’s story.
6) Preparing me.
7) Making all things beautiful in His time.
Some things Joyce Meyer also mentioned:
1) If you don’t get your ways, don’t get upset
2) Stop criticizing all things
3) Let God deal with your weakness while you focus on building up your strength
4) I am going to enjoy myself while God is changing me
5) I will not let other people determine my worth and value
6) Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy
My aunt and cousin Rosel came today, and they enjoyed themselves very much. In fact my aunt was asking me to bring Rosel to CHC service on a frequent basis. And Rosel actually asked me to bring her here too! Wow……
This sat our cg is going East Coast for fun. I am looking forward to it because Casper the Dog will be around. Calista will also be bringing her dog as well! But of course, the dogs are only part of the fun, the main fun is fellowshipping! Cos its gonna be a fun time together especially with Wanli, Calista, Yanlin and Xiangcen around!
Tomorrow is work again. Writing down all the revelations here really strengthened my heart once again. Let us learn to love whatever we are doing. No matter how difficult the path is, God will be there to carry us through.
Lets also remember to pray for Joyce Meyer in her trip to India next week.