Sunday, November 30, 2008


Feng bo bo came to church during Asia Conference and shared something which inspire me a lot recently. She said that she does not have to live up to any one’s expectation of her and she is free. As free as a little child in the Kingdom of God.

As I relate this to my work, I felt so comforted. It is only during this time that I recalled what Feng bo bo shared, and I know God is with me.

This coming Monday is my month end again, and there’s lots of stuff to take note off. Work has became more complicated because of certain issues that result due to economic downturn, and it is extremely stressful.

Perhaps things were going so well for me in work during this period of time, that I’ve started to allow pride to take place, which perhaps explained, why at times, I felt frustrated, if things go out of control. I felt a rebellion spirit building up in my mind subconsciously, that cause me to submit to higher authority unwillingly.

But God hates this kind of attitude. God places authority in our lives for a purpose, and no matter what, we have to submit, unless the authority requires us to do something against what the bible says.

If we’re to glorify God, and honor God in our marketplace, then we must be prepared to submit, and lose our pride for a good cause, for the glory of God. What is pride & submission, compared to the compliments from God, for a character well molded?

When I think about this, a deep sense of guilt came into my heart, convicted me that I’ve not glorify God, and lived up to God’s expectation of me in the marketplace.

But God is not like that. I believe that God grace is always upon us when we’re truly repentant.

And it is never too late to start all over again in the Kingdom of God.

When we make a mistake and fall, we can commit our guilt & shame unto God, and trust that God will help us get up again.

We must never lament too much on the lost time, relationships, resources and efforts because of our mistakes. Every new beginning from God is never too late.

"Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
Rom 10:11

When we live our lives to align with the expectation of other people, we will lose heart easily when things go out of control, and when people speak unjustly against us. And when all goes well, pride builds up and we lose our focus.

1 Cor 3: 18 -19
Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.

As the Scriptures say,
“He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.”

In reflection, it is better to let go of all what is expected of you, and just do the best that you know how, and trust in God to lead you, and empower you with the wisdom of God to live a great and victorious life.

When we do not let other peoples’ expectation of us rule our lives, we’re letting go of a great burden, and be truly free to work creatively & effectively, doing our best, regardless of whether our efforts are recognised publicly. Because God knows every good works that we have done, and God will give us a good reward in due season.

Below quote was recited by a yoga teacher during my yoga lesson at Pacific plaza. Inspiring!

Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

- St. Francis of Assisi


Saturday, November 22, 2008

IF ONLY..............

Attended 3 days of Asia Conference and volunteered in Greeters’ ministry. Now settling down in a day of serenity, in a little space of my own, taking stock of my life.

Having being alive for “slightly” more than 20 over yrs on this magnificent earth, I felt that it is so important to be have a mind that is very conscious of the importance of being “open” to good ideas, renewed thinking & other “good stuff”, which we may not be receptive to initially, but willing to ponder over it & exercise good judgement, eventually leading to acceptance & transformed mindset.

This requires humility, wisdom, a pliable heart and a teachable spirit.

Our path in life is really shaped by layers and layers of decisions, resulting in and from consequences to consequences. Short cuts or long cuts, is determined by how open we’re to God’s leading, and how much we are willing to relinquish control, as well as the environment of fellowship (group of friends) we’re in. Bad company corrupts good character, but neither will good company help us much, if we’re not willing to be “open” to our friends’ good intentions, which may not be expressed in a way we may appreciate.....

Sometimes, a little bit of opening up, may sow a little mustard seed which leads to great harvest in our lives. If only we can see this, if only we can hear this, if only we can understand this, if only we can accept this, if only we can listen just this once, if only we’ll try just once........if only............. just a little “if only....”

I guess the “if only” only comes to pass when our hearts totally synchronise with our minds....... our minds may noe what’s the right thing..... but our hearts maybe super retarded..... slow in following up with what should be...... or even the stubbornness to follow up....... if these two are always in tandem..... the world would be a better place......

Our lives are in our own hands..... nobody can force us into any good intentions......

Let us give God a chance, to work in our hearts and minds, to transform us in our mindset, so that we can live a more fruitful and joyful life, have lots of joy and abundance, and many breakthroughs.

Let us give God a chance, to stroll together with Him in our lives, and allow God to lead us and guide us.

Let us talk openly and share deeply with God, like a close friend, allow God to heal our hearts, and take away the hurts and fears that have taken root and empower us with
great courage, boldness, confidence and strength.

Trust that God is really listening.

Let us entrust God wholeheartedly our lives, depending on God fully, no matter how negative the circumstances maybe. God will deliver us in due season.

If you cherish me as a friend, trust me, because I’ve been thru’ and I understand.


Saturday, November 15, 2008




DAD'S FEET!!!!!!

My sister she wants to make my mum & me pretty by painting our finger & toe nails for us......



Saturday, November 08, 2008

Wonderful day

I love Saturdays!!! wonderful!!! Amazing, new beginning, rest, hope, joy! :o)
