It is such a quality of life, to clean up and beautify the whole house in preparation for Chinese new year, and after all these, to be able to take a seat by the wooden bench in a little balcony, under the sunny light, with a little crystal glass of warm white tea, and a bowl of delicious snack biscuits, taking my own sweet time, to read a book about God…… all in a day.I’ve always felt, that life can be as beautiful as you want it to be. At different seasons of our lives, we experience different issues that may cause us to “distorted” in our perspectives, attitudes and emotions. At certain period, we may be extremely happy, but as we step into another period, we may feel very moody or upset by certain issues as well.
When we are very intense and trapped in our circumstances, we do not have the capacity to step out, slow down and reflect. Life became concentrated in a negative way, and we forgot all about the people around us. We lose the ability to appreciate the little pleasures of life, nature and the people around us. Our capacity to love and bless are deteriorating and we started finding shortcuts for everything. Everything becomes an obstacle and a hassle to what we’re seeking or desire.
Recently I’ve read a book written by Robb Thompson and I felt that it is so good.
Really, character is so important. Character is the foundation of everything. We spend our lives with people all around us. The decisions that people make affect us. Thus, we will definitely experience the positive and the negative consequences of the decisions and things people around us make or do.
What is character?
Character is virtue in the life of an individual.
Character is moral strength.
Character is a reputation of integrity built by the hard choices of self-sacrifice and self-discipline.
Character affects our decisions, our words, our attitudes, our goals, our relationships, and our actions.
In marriage, character is gentleness.
In the home, it is respect.
In business, it is integrity.
In society, it is courtesy.
In the workplace, it is excellence.
In sports, it is fairness.
In relationship, it is kindness.
To the victor, it is congratulations.
To the victim, it is protection.
To falsehood, it is resistance.
To yourself, it is absolute truth.
Indeed a true friend is one who would rather risk rejection than not telling you the truth.
And a person of true character will not reject what you tell him or her immediately, but instead, reflects and ask questions first to understand more before even putting on a strong defense about his or her stand.
Sadly, some people will immediately respond with “I dun live my life according to the expectation of others…. As long as it clears my conscience…...”
Life is not all about ourselves. What we think is correct may NOT be correct. Our moral values may NOT reflect the RIGHT moral values. Else we would not need the bible as character benchmark.
Our conscience may be seared. Thus, even when we feel that we’re doing nothing against our conscience, it doesn’t mean u’re right!
One part Robb Thompson shared really impacted me,
“It is impossible for your life to produce anything beyond the strength of your moral fiber”.
How true…….
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