Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rest in God

Recently life has been so hectic and so overwhelming that things seem to have been so out of control and emotions going crazy every now and then. It is only when things have came to this stage that I felt so deeply that I have been relying on my own strength and wisdom all along. The fact that nothing has happened, coupled with the steadfast victorious momentum in your life, does not mean that everything is alright. In fact, this is the time that we really need to be on alert spiritually, because the devil is always waiting nearby, waiting to prowl on us when we lose guard.

30 Sep 2008 marked the beginning of my rest in God. This is the turning point of my life in God. This was a time when a part of me was lost, and it seems like a drowning experience when you know fully well that the only saviour float is God, and no one else. I take pride in turning to God even in the most devastated circumstances, and I rejoice in the grace and mercy of God, for He has not forsaken me in such a time as this.

Rest in God is not easy. It means finding freedom from mental activity. It means not having to live in the torment of reasoning, always trying to come up with an answer we don’t have. We don’t have to worry; instead, we can remain in a place of quiet peace and rest.

Like a little princess going up to the Father, our Father’s hands are always opened to hug us. I worked my way slowly, and rest began to dwell in my heart. Peace sinks in slowly, and hope strengthens.

When I rest in God, He reveals so much more that is beyond what I could ever imagine or expected. He shows us an alternative plan to the ultimate goal (so exciting!). It is only then we realised the folly of our desires based upon the “Will of God”. Wrong motivation to glorify the Kingdom of God. We need to repent, and abide in the perfect peace of His holy presence.

To love God, is to Rest in Him, and nothing else.



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