Sunday, June 15, 2008


Playfulness is an art never to be lost.

It is said we do not stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing. “If others are laughing, laugh along with them. Let it catch you. Get infected.”

The bible has always contained the verse:
“A merry heart does good, like a medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones”
(Prov 17:22)

Even the Middle Ages mystic Francis of Assisi, who is invariably portrayed as a serious-minded devotee, sees the value of mirth; “When we who are servants of Christ stand in the centre of the devil’s cloud of doubt and accusation and instead of breathing this choking dust refresh ourselves in the water of God’s joy until it overflows even in holy laughter – then not a single demon can harm us in any way.”

Postponing joy until something happens to justify happiness guarantees a miserable life.

Joy is within right now.

~~ Phil Pringle



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