Movie: Facing the Giants [RE-POST SEP 07]
This scene impacted me the most. One scene when Taylor was training his team. There were 2 players he chosen specifically to do the death crawl, where one person will be crawling on the grass with his hand & feet only (knees cannot touch ground) & with another person he has to carry on his back. Then he blindfolded the one who is supposed to crawl. Coach Taylor told him to GIVE HIS BEST. The whistle was blown, and the player started crawling. He feels like giving up after a distance, but Coach Taylor keeps shouting at him to go on and on and on.
Amazingly when the player finally collapsed out of exhaustion, he had covered so much distance. Taylor told him, “You can do it without even seeing it”. This is really a great example about faith --> we do the Will of God without even seeing the results in the natural realm, but we keep trusting in what God is always telling us and keep going on, keep moving, keep persevering, keep crawling, keep running this race.
Kicking Philosophy -- Super funny!
Matt 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Taylor’s wife when realizing that the pregnancy test is negative
says to God, “I’d still love you”
One last chance to win this game within a very short period of time! Coach Taylor instructed David to kick the ball for a distance so long that he has never done it before! David was so fearful and not confident of himself. Coach Taylor says, “Do you think God can help you make this kick, do you believe it David?” “But you got to give your best to Him….”
When Coach Taylor was addressing the students, he says “Its not about us, not about how we can win the game, how we can get the ball, how we can get the glory. Its about loving God. The greatest thing is to love God. God cares about our faith and our heart. Football is just one of the tools we use to honor God. Its about your relationships with people, your respect for authority, your behaviour in classroom, and what you do when you’re at home alone surfing the internet. Whether we win or loss, we praise God and honor Him with our actions....."
David: “I’m too small” His father: “You cannot be afraid of failures”
David’s father saying, “Through you, people will see how great God is”
Pastor walked into Coach Taylor’s office and shared rev 3, stating that until God has clearly spoken to Coach Taylor, he is to bloom where he is planted! Rev 3:7-8 --> “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
Pastor said an example, “There are 2 farmers who desperately needed rain, but only one prepared his field so that his field will be ready to receive the rain when it finally comes --> which farmer do you think trusted God to send the rain?” God will send the rain when He’s ready. You need to prepare your field to receive it.
Labels: Sermons and Revelatns
Dear Wei, Beth also recommended this show to me!!!!!!!!!!! She said it was super good too! :) Wah, I definitely wanna watch it when i return!
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